In this video, we're going to talk about one of the most exciting parts of playing the viola or violin, preparing to perform!
• All of us, from beginners to the most accomplished professionals, experience some stress before a performance. It’s normal, and nothing to feel ashamed about.
• However, there are some important things you can do to reduce the stress of performing: the day before, organize everything you’ll need for the performance--your instrument, music, and any special clothing you’ll be wearing.
• Eat well, get a good night’s sleep, and allow plenty of time to get to the performance space and warm up.
• When uncomfortable feelings of anxiety arise, see if you can let them be just as they are. Backstage, take slow deep breaths and notice your surroundings. Remember, you care about your performance, you’ve prepared well, and now it’s time to share your skills and your heart with the audience.